Day of the Dead

Episode 98: Day of the Dead (Season 5, Episode 8)

Synopsis: In which the dead come back to visit the living, and Zooty Zoot Zoot!

The Lurker’s Guide Master Episode list puts Day of the Dead later in the season but this was the broadcast order. And frankly if we complain about this being too late to get insights into Lockley’s character episode 13 would have been waaay too late, in our humble opinion.

REM actually only had 2 good albums: Murmur and Reckoning.

Lenny Henry’s Chef! Go watch it now!! Well, the first 2 seasons anyway. Steer clear of season 3.

James Orin Incandenza, father of the “protagonist” of David Foster Wallace’s novel “Infinite Jest”

Episode director Doug Lefler: Ooh, he directed two episodes of American Gothic, another of our favorite 1990s tv shows.

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It Takes Two:

Barenaked Ladies, working “It Takes Two” into a medley including their own song “Crazy,” Sweet’s “Fox on the Run,” Leonard Cohen’s “Bird on a Wire”

And a seasonally appropriate BNL rap medley, because this is our show so why not indulge ourselves (as if the entire 98 episode run hasn’t been shameless self-indulgence enough!)